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Displaying data
The data displayer tool allows you to browse the data by mission phase and date (unavailable).
NEW! A resume of the geometry informations (latitude, longitude, etc...) is now available.
The Monitor is an application which plots some relevants HouseKeepings for a given mission and a given time span.

Setting up your observations
The Virtis-H virtual Instrument is a data simulator. Available sources are black bodies, planets and stars. Submitting personal sources is also available now.
The Telecommand Generator is designed to help you to write the telecommands to be sent to the spacecraft.
If you do not know the mission phase and the date of the data you are looking for, but specific details (such as source, grating temperature, optical bench configuration...), you can query the Virtis data catalogue.

NEW! Geometry informations are now available.
NEW! Instrument telecommand parameters are also available.
Database Administration (restricted area)
Upload data files. Insert new data in the database. (restricted area)
Add a new user. Add a new virtis user into the database. (restricted area)
Pipeline status. Check pipeline status. (restricted area)
Download Virtis documents. This area is aimed to share documents within the team.
Some java softwares are also avalaible for displaying PDS files and computing pixel maps.
You can also change your password.

Venus Express SpaceCraft

Last update: October, 20 2006
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